Consultation Services
Michelle Allen worked for five different State agencies and was on-loan to the governor’s office during her tenure with the State. In addition to teaching classes and conducting workshops for client groups, she provides customized consultation services by phone for those seeking employment with the State. Consultation services include a comprehensive review and evaluation of your experience and education in order to direct you to the exams and the jobs that go with them.
Why Hire Michelle?
Michelle offers the following Consultation Service
By phone: Michelle will call you, and while you are in front of your computer, she will explain the hiring process and direct you to the exams and jobs on the state’s CalHr website. There is no time constraint on the phone consultation. Within 24 hours of your consultation by phone Michelle will send you a recap of the exams you discussed along with information on how to prepare for an oral interview. There is no cost for additional questions via email or by phone after you consultation is concluded.
Cost: $299.00
How The Process Works
After receiving your request for the consultation Michelle will confirm your order and ask you to send her your resume and the most convenient times/days for you to chat with her by phone while in front of your computer. Michelle will research the exams she feels you are eligible to take based on the information provided on your resume. Most clients are eligible for many exams though they rarely know what those exams are or where to locate them. Exams and jobs are discussed in detail and your questions about career planning with the State are answered. Additionally, any questions or issues that come up after your consultation can be discussed via emails or phone calls at no additional charge.
Topics Covered
Where do I locate the exams on the website?
What are the exams like and how do I qualify to take them?
Where are the jobs listed and how do I find them?
What do the jobs pay?
How can I maximize my chances of getting a job with the State?
I’m over 45; does the State hire older workers? (Hint: YES!)